The Hope Club Podcast
Everyone is in need of hope. Without hope the heart is sick. The "Hope Club" podcast will help you to find the hope you need to keep on keeping on. You will find hope for today, hope from your past and hope for the future. If you become a faithful listener, you will definitely see a change in your life.Join the Club today and get others to join as well. You won't be disappointed.
The Hope Club Podcast
Episode 724 Faith Is The Foundation Of Hope
Dave Therrien
Everyone needs hope. Like fuel for your car is hope for the heart. Solomon said "Hope delayed makes the heart sick." Nobody wants a sick heart. But were does hope begin? It begins with faith. Faith is a belief and trust in God and His Son's sacrifice for the sins of the world. Do you have that faith? if so, you can have hope.
If not, then let this message stir inside of you and let faith in. Hope will be sure to follow.