The Hope Club Podcast
Everyone is in need of hope. Without hope the heart is sick. The "Hope Club" podcast will help you to find the hope you need to keep on keeping on. You will find hope for today, hope from your past and hope for the future. If you become a faithful listener, you will definitely see a change in your life.Join the Club today and get others to join as well. You won't be disappointed.
830 episodes
Episode 725 Hope Is The Anchor
Every ship needs an anchor. The anchor holds the ship stead in the storm. We also will encounter our own storms of life. And it is the anchor that will hold us steady. But what is this anchor? What is it made of and how does it work? Is it stro...

Episode 724 Faith Is The Foundation Of Hope
Everyone needs hope. Like fuel for your car is hope for the heart. Solomon said "Hope delayed makes the heart sick." Nobody wants a sick heart. But were does hope begin? It begins with faith. Faith is a belief and trust in God and His Son...

Episode 723 He's Got The Whole World In His Hands
'there is more truth to that little song than you probably realized. You sang it when you were young but it has taking on even more meaning as you get to know Him.if God has the whole world in His hands, He certainly has you. And with th...

Episode 722 Do All Roads Lead To Heaven?
Many people have their own idea of how to get to Heaven. But what if you wanted to drive to Miami? Can people take any road they want to get there? Cn they make up their own route? Of course not! and so it is with getting to Heaven.

Episode 721 We Believe There Is A New World Coming
Imagine if we had to live in this world filled with chaos, calamity and corruption and never any hope for change. That would be quite discouraging wouldn't it? well, there is hope because there really is a new world coming.The world God ...

Episode 720 Worship, Inter-racial marriage and Tests
Here are some more hot topics. What is is true worship? Is it the song, the words, how about the heart? Hopefully, this talk will shed some light on the worship that glorifies God.Inter-racial marriage used to be controversial and in som...

Episode 719 Gambling, Cremation and Judgment
Some things are lawful but not beneficial. This is why we need the Word of God. Gambling has destroyed many lives and families, though it is legal. What does the Bible say?Cremation is another question people have. Should the body be bur...

Episode 718 We Believe Our Salvation Is Secure
If there is one thing God wants for us, it is that we would live secure in Him. Too many Christians today fear they may commit a sin that would expel them from their relationship with God.This message gives Biblical insight in the securi...

Episode 717 We Believe In The Redemption Of Mankind
We were born into this world lost, dead and alienated from God. Being void of God's righteousness, we could not have a relationship with Him. But thankfully, God did not leave us there.Redemption is the means by which Jesus Christ came i...

Episode 716 We Believe God Loves Us All
This is the greatest truth we we could ever discover. Not only does God love us but love demands an action. Without action, love is meaningless. If you say you love someone, you must demonstrate that love with action. And that is what God...

Episode 715 We Believe All People Need A Savior
We as people believe in all kinds of things. The fact that that there are thousands of religions in the world attest to this fact. We as people believe our way is the best way to get to God. But how can every way be the right way?In this...

Episode 714 Do I Know Who I Am
This is probably the most important question I could ask but also get the answer to. Did you know the person you are in Christ is not the person you were before that? Do you know that without Christ, no one can become that new person?Thi...

Episode 713 Two Are Better Than One
God has created us to be communal beings. That means that we need each other and benefit from being in one another's lives. This is true when it comes to work, companionship, and as Solomon says, even keeping warm.There is a lot of lonel...

Episode 712 Buried Treasure: 9 Nuggets Of Gold
When you look for buried treasure, it usually comes in nuggets. In this message you will discover nine gold en nuggets of Truth. And you have heard that the Truth will set you free.This message goes out to a listener in So. Walpole, MA w...

Episode 711 The Two Sides Of Jesus
Jesus was one man but He had two natures. He was fully man yet fully God. He wasn't half man and half God but fully man and fully God. This is called the Hypostatic Union in theology.This is a basic doctrine that all believers should und...

Episode 710 Stumbling Blocks
Did you ever trip over something and fall down? You probably felt real embarrassed and maybe even hurt yourself. There are stumbling blocks in our spiritual lives as well and and they can do the same thing. They can cause us embarrassment and e...

Episode 709 God's Love
There are many kinds of love in the world. There is romantic love, family love, puppy love and even love for a puppy. But there is no love that compares with God's love.God's love surpasses all other forms of human love. This message wil...

Episode 708 My Place In The Church
How many people actually know what the Church is? The first thing that may come to their mind is a building. But oh, it is so much more than that.It is that which Jesus is building. It is a place where people are connected to one another...

Episode 707 My Place In The World
What do you know abut the world? Is it just a planet or more than a planet? It is actually a system and a system run by Satan. He has an orchestrated system to blind unbelievers and confound true believers.This system is evil and every pers...

Episode 706 When Jesus Touches Your Feet
What happens when Jesus touches your feet? Well, there was a man by a pool in Jerusalem who couldn't walk. This really limited his life to nothing but laying around in complete helplessness and hopelessness. then Jesus walked in and everything ...

Episode 705 When Jesus Touches Your Hands
Jesus performs another life changing miracle. He restored a man's value and self-respect by healing his withered hand. He couldn't work and support his family. But the Jesus touch changed everything.But what happens when Jesus touches your ...

Episode 704 When Jesus Touches Your Tongue
Jesus touched a man's ears then He touched his tongue. Because the man couldn't hear well, he couldn't speak well. But with the Jesus touch, he could hear and speak perfectly.We need a spiritual touch from Jesus on our ears and our tongue. ...

Episode 703 When Jesus Touches Your Ears
This series is about the touch of Jesus. So far, He touched our heart and our lives sere changed. Then He touched our eyes and we see life differently, the way He sees it. Now He touches our ears so we can hear Him clearly. We hear Him...

Episode 702 Sometimes I Feel Like A Flea Market
Did you know that Jesus was in the rescue and restore business? Just like some people go into flea markets look for that which others have rejected so they can take them home and fix them up, Jesus goes through the world looking for broken peop...