The Hope Club Podcast
Everyone is in need of hope. Without hope the heart is sick. The "Hope Club" podcast will help you to find the hope you need to keep on keeping on. You will find hope for today, hope from your past and hope for the future. If you become a faithful listener, you will definitely see a change in your life.Join the Club today and get others to join as well. You won't be disappointed.
808 episodes
Episode 703 When Jesus Touches Your Ears
This series is about the touch of Jesus. So far, He touched our heart and our lives sere changed. Then He touched our eyes and we see life differently, the way He sees it. Now He touches our ears so we can hear Him clearly. We hear Him...
Episode 702 Sometimes I Feel Like A Flea Market
Did you know that Jesus was in the rescue and restore business? Just like some people go into flea markets look for that which others have rejected so they can take them home and fix them up, Jesus goes through the world looking for broken peop...
Episode 701 When Jesus Touches Your Eyes
The touch of Jesus is life-changing, He touched the eyes of blind Bartimaeus and everything changed for him. When he touches your eyes, everything will change for you. You will see life in a way you never did before. So many people are walking ...
Episode 700 When Jesus Touches Your Heart
We are going to look at three situations where Jesus touched the hearts of people. You will see where the touch of Jesus, through His words, brought fullness, hope and purpose to the lives of people.Perhaps, if Jesus has not yet touched you...
Episode 699 The Death Of John The Baptist
It's not how you die but how you live that matters. That is what John the Baptist will teach us. It is the last moments of his life and John was as righteous in his death as he was in his life. What a great lesson for us.Let John teach you ...
Episode 698 John Exalts Jesus
John the Baptists was the greatest man of the Old Testament dispensation. His mission was to herald the coming Messiah. When the Messiah arrived on the scene, John began to fade from the picture. and yet, it gave him joy because that w...
Episode 697 Overcoming Your Hurtful Past
Let's face it. How doesn't have pain and hurt from past experiences in life? God is not un aware of the tears you have shed. But He also makes a way for us to go forward from our hurtful past.No one has to live in the pat when God offers a ...
Episode 696 Why Was Jesus Baptized
John the Baptist was baptizing people for repentance of their sins. Jesus shows up and He wants to be baptized by John. But wait! He has no sin, He is sinless. So why this baptism?Jesus is going to enter the ministry and this is His ordinat...
Episode 695 Religion vs. Conversion
It's a heavy weight fight and we have two contenders. Religion vs. Conversion.Religion appears to be bigger and stronger and is certainly the crowd favorite. As a matter of fact, he has fans from all over the world.Conversion on the oth...
Episode 694 The Message Of John The Baptist
John had a very simple yet direct message. His mission was to call people to prepare themselves for the coming of Jesus. Like preparing the roads for a coming dignitary, their hearts needed to be prepared for the one true Kin.And yet, Our c...
Episode 693 Let's Meet John The Baptist
When the Old Testament closed, God was silent for 400 years. Then He spoke through a man named John who we know as John the Baptist, because he baptized people. but his calling was more than that. He was called to be a herald for the Messiah wh...
Episode 692 Press On And Don't Quit
Well, we are going into a new year. The talk is usually about New Years Resolutions. but what does that really mean? It means "attitude." A resolution, or what you resolve to do is about attitude.I believe I have a good attitude to enter th...
Episode 691 What Will you Do with Jesus
Christmas has come and gone but the issue of Jesus remains. For some, He was a character to think about for a few days and then put away until next year.But the important question is, What will you do with Him? He is not going away. Jesus i...
Episode 690 When Bitterness Takes Over
The Bible tells us that bitterness is like a root that grows inside a person. Who is this person that houses bitterness? It is the person who refuses to forgive. And bitterness not only affects the one entertaining it but also all those around ...
Episode 689 Christmas Is The Promise Fulfilled
The Bible predicted the birth of the Savior 700 years, even 1,000 years before he was born. It was predicted He would be born in Bethlehem and from the line of King David. There are also many other prophecies, all to show the faithfulness of Go...
Episode 688 Calling Jesus Lord Will Not Save You
A sorrowful surprise awaits many people when they face Jesus Christ at the judgment. They will offer up many of their good works, hoping to win the favor of the Lord. But they will all fall short, all because they never had a personal relations...
Episode 687 Why You Haven't Changed
Are you a person who goes to church, sings God's songs, even gives in the offering but your life is not changing? Your struggles are ever-present and you have a hard time getting victory over things. There is a reason why some Christians ...
Episode 686 The Best Statement You Could Ever Hear
I'm sure you've had many good things said to you during your life. They built you up, encouraged you and spurred you on. But there is one statement that outshines them all and not only that, it comes from God.If you have heard it, you are b...
Episode 685 This Is True Compassion
Compassion means to have a fellow feeling with. But it doesn't stop there. It acts on that feeling. this is something Jesus often did. When He felt compassion for someone, He acted and brought them relief.Showing compassion to others is the...
Episode 684 What Would You Rather Have Than Your Soul
Let's face it. There is nothing more valuable or important than your soul. Yet, so many people live neglecting their soul. They settle for creture comforts which are only temporary, while the soul is eternal.Jesus made a way for us to prote...
Episode 683 What's Your Monument
Everyone is building some kind of monument to themselves. Jesus tells a story about a man who was going to build bigger barns to hold the blessings God gave him. He failed to realize God blessed him so he could be a blessing to others.His b...
Episode 682 A Message You Probably Don't Want To Hear
We know that when we are sick, sometimes s take medicine that is ok and other times it tastes terrible. That might even be true with a procedure. One may be simple and another complicated.And so it is when we hear the Word of God. Some thin...
Episode 681 Jonah, People Are More Important Than Things
What is it about us that we put things as more important then people? We know this is true because of the high rate of crime in the world which is acts of people against people. Nations go to war, thieves rob door deliveries, and houses are bro...
Episode 680 Jonah - When you Hate What God Loves
After his homerun in Nineveh, Jonah went into a depression. HE preached and the whole city got saved and he became angry. Why would Jonah be so angry at such a successful ministry? That's because he hated what God loved. God loves repentance th...
Episode 679 Jonah - Surprising Outcomes From Obedience
You may have questioned why God is so stuck o our being obedient to Him. Perhaps at times it even seems like such a burden. The reason God has these expectations is because He knows the outcome of our obedience.even Jonah was surprised. whe...