The Hope Club Podcast
Everyone is in need of hope. Without hope the heart is sick. The "Hope Club" podcast will help you to find the hope you need to keep on keeping on. You will find hope for today, hope from your past and hope for the future. If you become a faithful listener, you will definitely see a change in your life.Join the Club today and get others to join as well. You won't be disappointed.
The Hope Club Podcast
Episode 718 We Believe Our Salvation Is Secure
Dave Therrien
If there is one thing God wants for us, it is that we would live secure in Him. Too many Christians today fear they may commit a sin that would expel them from their relationship with God.
This message gives Biblical insight in the security of the believer. Grab a notebook and get ready for a study that you will refer to time and time again. We all need to live, not in fear, but in confidence in what Jesus did for us.